Coping Skills

An Organized Way to Explore a Child’s Coping Skills

An Organized Way to Explore a Child’s Coping Skills

Inside: An organized, simple, and effective way to explore a child’s coping skills. This checklist can work one on one, in a small group, or even whole classrooms!

Have you ever seen those coping skills checklists that are super long? I love having a ton of strategies to work from, but it’s very hard to pick out what skills will work for kids from those overwhelming lists. To make it easier, I ended up creating the coping skills checklist. The beauty of this checklist is that it's divided into five categories: Calming, Distraction, Physical, Processing, and Sensory, which makes it easier to find a particular type of coping skill.

Anxiety, ADHD and Anger in the Classroom: 60 Activity-Based Coping Skills to Effectively Manage "Big Feelings"

Anxiety, ADHD and Anger in the Classroom: 60 Activity-Based Coping Skills to Effectively Manage "Big Feelings"

Inside: Information about the Anxiety, ADHD, and Anger in the Classroom day-long seminar, including an overview of the day and feedback from participants.

Last week, I did something that I’ve always wanted to do as a professional. I gave my first full day presentation through PESI. I flew to New York and presented a day-long seminar on the topic of Anxiety, ADHD and Anger in the Classroom. I created this presentation not only to introduce and discuss coping skills but also give professionals an opportunity to try some of the coping skills before presenting them to their students. 

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2021