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Use Shapes to Teach Kids to Take Deep Breaths
Deep Breathing Printables
Sometimes you need a visual to help teach deep breathing. Here are printable pages of 4 simple breathing techniques - square breathing, lazy 8 breathing, star breathing and triangle breathing.
Playful Deep Breathing Printables
This is a more whimsical version of our popular deep breathing printables:
Triangle - A camel with palm trees and sand encourage kids to breathe in for 3, hold for 3, breathe out for 3
Square - Cars taking a slow relaxing drive around a lake encourage kids to breathe in for 4, Hold for 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4.
Lazy 8 - Figure skaters on an ice skating rink encourage kids to take a deep breath in a lazy 8. Start with an image of an 8 on it’s side (it looks like an infinity sign). Starting in the middle, go up to the left and trace the left part of the 8 with your finger while you breathe in. When you get to the middle of the 8 again, breathe out while you trace the right part of the 8 with your finger.
Star - A cute astronaut floating in space encourages kids to breathe in, hold at the point, breathe out, keep going until you’ve gone around the whole star.
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