How To Make a Calming Jar

Inside: How to Make a Calming Jar plus 10 more ideas for inspiration!

Making calming jars with kids is fun, but it’s also a useful coping strategy that can help a child calm down and relax. Kids can use calming jars as a way to take space when things get a little overwhelming. Just shake the jar and watch it. There is something very calming about shaking the bottle and watching the glitter or other materials settle down slowly. At our house, we use them at bedtime and as a way to relax.

Simple Calming Jar Recipe

Materials Needed:

  • Empty Water Bottle (VOSS bottles work very well)

  • Warm Water

  • Glitter Paint

To make your jar, add glitter paint to the bottom of the jar until it just covers the bottom of it. Add warm water. Put the cover on and shake to help the ingredients combine.

Once you are satisfied with the look of your jar, then you can super glue the lid shut, so it doesn’t spill. In a pinch, I’ve also used duct tape to secure the lid.

Now, let’s see the calming jar in action.

Other Ingredients!

Here are some other optional ingredients you can use in a calming jar. Using thicker wet ingredients will make the dry ingredients sink slower.

Wet Ingredients

  • Hair Gel

  • Corn Syrup

  • Glue

  • Glitter Glue

  • Glow in the dark paint

Dry Ingredients

  • Legos

  • Glitter

  • Small stones

  • Small shells

  • Glow in the dark stars

Or you can try these lovely recipes for calming jars!

DIY Frozen-Inspired Snowstorm Sensory Bottle from Rhythms of Play

Anti-Gravity Galaxy in a Bottle from One Little Project

Glowing Bedtime Bottle from Kids Activities Blog

Color Changing Sensory Bottle by Preschool Inspirations

Ocean in a Bottle from Happy Hooligans 

Make a Hurricane in a Jar from One Time Through

Star Gazing Discovery Bottle from Pre-K Pages

Slow Motion Calm Down Bottle by Childhood 101

Rainbow Calming Jars from Lemon Lime Adventure

Slow Falling Sensory Bottle from Teaching Mama

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