
Raising Cactus Kids with Wendy Snyder

Raising Cactus Kids with Wendy Snyder

I’m thrilled to welcome Wendy Snyder, a Positive Parenting educator, family life coach & advocate to my podcast this week as she has such a brilliant story of when life gets hard, how you can flip it around to a positive and loving life. Wendy had so much trouble with her daughter being so strong willed after quitting her job to become a stay-at-home mom. She was convinced she had ADHD or something of the sort until she took a local parenting course. Take a listen to this episode to learn how you can flip up your life and gain the knowledge you need to have a more fulfilling and happy parenthood. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

How to Raise Happy Kids with Sue Atkins

How to Raise Happy Kids with Sue Atkins

I’m excited to be speaking to world renowned parent expert Sue Atkins on this episode of the Calm & Connected podcast. We discuss the pro’s and con’s of having an outspoken child, they may make your life difficult but don’t you want a child who can stand up for themselves? Children are naturally so curious so it’s our job as their parents to help them learn and explore the world, not dull their experience so we don’t have to put the effort in. 

The topics we cover in this episode are:

Imperfect Parenting - An Interview with Nicole Schwarz

Imperfect Parenting - An Interview with Nicole Schwarz

Have you ever spotted an Instagram post of smiling parents who are having the most perfect life with their child and then felt shame and guilt that you aren’t nearly as perfect as them? Well you’re definitely not alone on that one! Today’s episode is all about us… the parents. I discussed with my guest, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Parent Coach; Nicole Schwarz about what happens around the shame spiral and how we can talk to ourselves in a kinder way to be more content with being an imperfect parent. We always need to remember that real life is messy, it's not great all the time, sometimes we mess up and guess what?… That’s okay!

Take some time for yourself, embrace those imperfections and take a listen to this episode. 

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2025