I have always been a reader ever since I was a child but sometimes life gets in the way and I have found I don’t make much time for it so I used a recent vacation to spark my love for pleasurable reading again. After posting about this on Instagram, I was really inspired by one of my comments; to make a list of books to read over the summer and start a podcast series about it!
The topics I cover in this episode are:
I start with 2 book recommendations, one for fun and one for work
Book 1 - The Book of Awesome by Neil Pascricha
A gratitude practice and seeing the beauty in the small stuff
Book 2 - Your Turn, How to be an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims
My favorite parts of this book, especially lessons learned when things don’t go to plan
If you want to suggest a book to me, then you can do so here -