books for parents

Summer Reading Series #3: The Highly Sensitive Child

Summer Reading Series #3: The Highly Sensitive Child

Today’s installment of my book series covers the book ‘The Highly Sensitive Child’ by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. I read this book over COVID and it totally changed the way I look at kids, how to spot what’s going on with them in order to help them. In this episode, I go over the 4 areas in which high sensitivity presents itself so you can better see if your child is highly sensitive. 

The topics I cover in this episode are:

Summer Reading Series #2: Five Books about Anger for Kids

Summer Reading Series #2: Five Books about Anger for Kids

This episode is the second installment of my book recommendation series. This week I want to focus on books dealing with anger since I have seen a lot of kids showing up to school with big emotions like anger lately. It is an emotion we have all felt many times, but we’re not always sure about how to deal with it so perhaps a bit of light reading can help! 

The topics I cover in this episode are:

Summer Reading Series #1: Two Highly Recommended Books

Summer Reading Series #1: Two Highly Recommended Books

I have always been a reader ever since I was a child but sometimes life gets in the way and I have found I don’t make much time for it so I used a recent vacation to spark my love for pleasurable reading again. After posting about this on Instagram, I was really inspired by one of my comments; to make a list of books to read over the summer and start a podcast series about it!

The topics I cover in this episode are:

The Happy Kid Handbook Book Review

The Happy Kid Handbook Book Review

Inside: A book review of the Happy Kid Handbook by Katie Hurley. It's a wonderful addition to any parent's bookshelf!

Have you ever read a book that you couldn’t put down? That you felt compelled to underline and highlighted and put sticky notes all over? This happened to me when I started reading The Happy Kid Handbook. I got it out of the library and as soon as I started, I knew I needed to get my own copy so I could underline and highlight to my heart’s desire.

Here are a few of the reasons why I enjoyed this book so much and why I find it to be an extremely valuable resource.

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