Calming Coping Skills

Four Simple Ways to Introduce Mindfulness to Kids

Four Simple Ways to Introduce Mindfulness to Kids

Mindfulness can also be a helpful tool for kids who have challenges with self-regulation or difficulty managing emotions, or want to improve their concentration. it would be helpful for them to be able to calm down and be aware of the present. When they are aware of the present, it will help them be more able to see what’s happening around them and settle themselves and their minds.

In this podcast episode, I talk about four different ways to introduce mindfulness to kids…

Relaxation Coping Skills - Activities to help kids calm down at home and at school

Relaxation Coping Skills - Activities to help kids calm down at home and at school

Coping skills are activities anyone can do to help manage difficult thoughts and feelings or challenging situations. It’s important for everyone, both kids and adults, to know and use coping skills.  Not all coping skills work in every situation, so it’s good to have a variety to help manage different challenges.  

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2021