book review

Book Review: Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals

Book Review: Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals

One of my favorite resources to help families who are dealing with Sensory Processing Disorder is A Sensory Life, created by Angie Voss. I've worked with a lot of kids who have difficulties with sensory input, and this website had a wealth of information for parents whose kids struggle with sensory issues.

The Happy Kid Handbook Book Review

The Happy Kid Handbook Book Review

Inside: A book review of the Happy Kid Handbook by Katie Hurley. It's a wonderful addition to any parent's bookshelf!

Have you ever read a book that you couldn’t put down? That you felt compelled to underline and highlighted and put sticky notes all over? This happened to me when I started reading The Happy Kid Handbook. I got it out of the library and as soon as I started, I knew I needed to get my own copy so I could underline and highlight to my heart’s desire.

Here are a few of the reasons why I enjoyed this book so much and why I find it to be an extremely valuable resource.

Book Review: Bloom

Book Review: Bloom

Before I had children, I thought I would be pretty well equipped to deal with any issue that came my way. I was a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and had some experience working with some pretty challenging students.


Then I had my daughter, followed two years later by my son. And I realized just how incredibly challenging parenting is. Parenting is HARD work. It’s stressful and overwhelming. Some days you want to quit, but you can’t. And you don’t always know which way to go. It can feel lonely and you can feel like a failure.

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