In today’s episode, I wanted to try a coping skill together! It’s been such a stressful year, and I thought it would make sense to practice a coping skill together to help us relax. In this podcast, I share what got me interested in body scans in the first place and how they are related to progressive muscle relaxation. Then we’ll go through the body scan I wrote for the Coping Skills for Teens Workbook. Take a listen!
Deep Breathing Exercises for Teens
In the past, I've spoken about lots of different ways to encourage kids to take deep breaths by using shapes and other prompts. In this podcast episode, I focus on ways to help teens take deep breaths. Take a listen to hear some strategies I use with my adolescent clients and some resources you can explore to find more ways to encourage teens to take deep breaths.
The Power of Connection: Mindful Parenting for Children with Additional Needs
Inside: Guest Post by Elizabeth Sautter about the Power of Connection
Parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs. When you have a child with complex needs such as autism, ADHD, or anxiety, the journey come with additional considerations and can often be challenging to navigate. Holding your child’s attention and finding common interests may be a bit harder but not something to give up on! Connecting with your child is a critical piece of their development and can make things smoother for them and you in the short and long run!
How to Use the Coping Skills Checklist
Interview with Ted Quinn from Activate Care
Four Simple Ways to Introduce Mindfulness to Kids
Mindfulness can also be a helpful tool for kids who have challenges with self-regulation or difficulty managing emotions, or want to improve their concentration. it would be helpful for them to be able to calm down and be aware of the present. When they are aware of the present, it will help them be more able to see what’s happening around them and settle themselves and their minds.
In this podcast episode, I talk about four different ways to introduce mindfulness to kids…
Introduction to Zentangles
When you are stressed, anxious or perhaps angry and need to calm down, what techniques do you use? There are so many out there, from yoga, meditation, exercise and mindfulness but today I will be speaking to my guest Andrea about one which you’ll love if you sit on the creative side of life. It’s a mix of art and mindfulness and it’s called ‘Zentangle’.
The topics we cover in this episode are:
Three Benefits of Using Distraction Coping Skills
In this episode of the podcast, I’m focused on distraction coping skills, which include things like playing and fun activities. Distraction coping skills aren’t meant to help kids avoid or suppress their feelings. Take a listen to the podcast to hear the three benefits of using distraction as a coping skill…
Back to School Coping Skills for Kids and Families
If you have school-aged children or work in education (or both!), things are intense right now as school districts and families are trying to figure out what to do. In this podcast episode, I don’t discuss how to send kids back to school safely. Instead, I discuss coping strategies that families can use, whether kids are back at school full time, remote learning, homeschooling, or learning in a pod. Take a listen for some ideas of things you can do to help yourself and your family as you navigate these uncharted waters.
Using Dominoes to Show How Kindness Can Spread
In this podcast episode, I share this simple yet powerful visual activity to help kids see how kind acts can spread and make a positive impact. I also share some wisdom from Dr. Alan Chu from the University of Wisconsin Green Bay about the ripple effect of sending gratitude letters, and small acts of kindness.