
Eight Great Fidgets for the Classroom

Eight Great Fidgets for the Classroom

We all know those kids who can’t quite get settled in the classroom. They may have a hard time sitting down to get their homework done. They may be zoning off in the middle of a lesson in school. Or they may look like they are paying attention, but their mind is constantly wandering off. These kids might benefit from a fidget!

Today's solo episode of the Calm and Connected podcast is all about fidgets, and in particular, the ones I think are great for the classroom.

The topics I cover in this episode are:

Awesome Fidgets for Kids

Awesome Fidgets for Kids

Inside: All about fidgets - why they help, who can benefit from using them, and lots of suggested fidgets, both those that you can DIY and those you can buy.

We all know those kids who can’t quite get settled in the classroom. They may have a hard time sitting down to get their homework done. They may be zoning off in the middle of a lesson in school. Or they may look like they are paying attention, but their mind is constantly wandering off. These kids might benefit from a fidget!

10 Coping Skills to Help Kids Calm Down

10 Coping Skills to Help Kids Calm Down

As a school counselor, I often had kids come into my office in a heightened state, and it was my job to be able to help them calm down and get back to work in class. I had lots of items in my room to help achieve that. It’s always easier for kids to talk about what’s bothering them when they’re doing another activity or playing a game. As a mom, I know that there are lots of things that can help my kids reset when they are having a hard time, or getting into arguments or just have on their cranky pants. Here are some of my favorite items to help kids calm down.

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2025