
It's OK to Be Angry

It's OK to Be Angry

It’s okay to be angry.

It’s happened multiple times in my career when I’ve said that phrase, kids will look at me like I have three heads. I explain that everyone gets angry - it’s a normal and expected human emotion. It’s what you do with your anger that matters. Then I share the feelings rules with them:

Three Ways to Help Kids Focus on the Positives

Three Ways to Help Kids Focus on the Positives

When a kid is feeling sad or upset, a good coping skill to try is thinking of things that make them happy. Finding and focusing on the good things in life can have a positive impact on mental health, plus paying attention to those positive experiences is the beginning of gratitude practice for kids. But it can be hard to remember the good stuff in those tough moments. In today’s podcast, I share three ideas to help kids focus on the positives. Take a listen!

How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Oriental Trading

How to Make a Calm Down Kit at Oriental Trading

A coping skills toolbox is an actual physical container that houses items kids can use to help calm down and express their emotions in healthy ways. There are a ton of strategies your child can use to calm down, and having a toolbox is one way to keep several of these tools readily available to use.

Where can you get these items to help create a coping skills toolbox or a calm down kit? A lovely listener requested that I do a podcast episode on Oriental Trading, so I took a peek around the website for awesome items to go in a calm down kit. Listen to what I found!

Five Tips for Surviving Holiday Parties

Five Tips for Surviving Holiday Parties

Several years ago, I wrote an article on this topic because the mother of a client of mine had significant concerns about getting through the holiday season, in particular, all the parties. I also understood this from my own experience as a parent, so I gave her some ideas. Since it's that time of year, I wanted to share these ideas with you to help. Take a listen!

How to Explore Feelings with Children Who Don't Want to Talk

How to Explore Feelings with Children Who Don't Want to Talk

We all know how important it is to help kids explore their feelings - it's a vital step in helping them understand and manage their emotions. But what do we do with those little ones who don't want to talk about it? Truthfully, it can be hard for kids to talk about their feelings. Here are four ideas to help you explore a child's emotions - without talking!

How to Create a Calm Down Kit at Michael's

How to Create a Calm Down Kit at Michael's

A coping skills toolbox is an actual physical container that houses items kids can use to help calm down and express their emotions in healthy ways. There are a ton of strategies your child can use to calm down, and having a toolbox is one way to keep several of these tools readily available to use.

Where can you get these items to help create a coping skills toolbox or a calm down kit? I spend a lot of time at Michael’s because I love arts & crafts. But they also have lots of items that would work well in a calm down kit. On a recent trip, I took pictures of what I would put in a coping skills toolkit. Listen to what I found!

How to Create a Calm Down Kit at Target

How to Create a Calm Down Kit at Target

A coping skills toolbox is an actual physical container that houses items kids can use to help calm down and express their emotions in healthy ways. There are a ton of strategies your child can use to calm down, and having a toolbox is one way to keep several of these tools readily available to use.

Where can you get these items to help create a coping skills toolbox or a calm down kit? One of my favorite places to go is Target. Recently, I went on a Target run and took pictures of what I would put in a coping skills toolkit. Listen to what I found!

Why Coloring is AWESOME!

Why Coloring is AWESOME!

Coloring is one of my favorite distraction skills. Research studies are happening now investigating the impact of coloring on anxiety, depression, or stress levels in different age groups. While the studies are small, it seems like they are finding that coloring does make a difference. To hear more about why coloring is awesome, take a listen!

Copyright © Coping Skills for Kids, part of Encourage Play, LLC 2025